Sunday, April 24, 2011

Death and Resurrection

Last week while driving past a church I noticed a MASSIVE sign, one where each letter is it's own sign actually, staked into the front lawn of the property. In big capital letters it said "CHRIST HAS DIED." I couldn't help but feel like this was terribly morbid and somehow missing the point of Easter. I mean, yes, Christ died - a gruesome death carrying the sins of the world. I can't imagine the agony, loneliness, and despair dying such a death, but it didn't stop there. There was more, so much more.

Sometimes I think we live in a place that keeps Jesus Christ in the grave. We recognize that Christ died for our sin and disease, and that we can come to the Father because of what Jesus did on the cross, but we don't live in what happened 3 days later. Our Savior conquered the gates of hell, destroyed sin and death and, against all natural odds, rose from the grave so that we may have life and life ABUNDANT. Jesus died so that we could walk out of something (our sinful bondage) and rose again so that we could walk into something (life ABUNDANT). How many times have I stopped just short of the life abundant and left Jesus lying there, dead in the grave? How many times have I let the enemy weigh me down and steal my joy, my hope, my inheritance not understanding fully what happened when Jesus rose that beuatiful morning?

I'm not sure that I will ever fully be able to comprehend what it means that my Savior, perfect as He was, took my sins, died for me and rose again, so that I can be FREE, so that I can look the devil in the eye and say, "I am redeemed, a daughter of the King!" I pray that it continues to sink deeped and deeper into me every day that I'm alive on this earth, until I have the amazing opportunity to thank Him face to face. This day I choose to live in the FREEDOM, the GRACE and the LIFE ABUNDANT that is mine, not because I earned it, but because I am loved by the King of Kings. Happy Easter to you all!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This Girl Can't Dance!

Last night was a first for me. I'm not sure what it is about me, but I do not do group aerobics. I think it's the fact that they scare me. What if I can't keep up with everyone else? What if people are watching me? What if I look like an absolute moron? Well, after an invite from my beautiful sister-in-law I decided to "just do it."

The website describes Zumba as "a fusion of body sculpting movements with easy to follow dance steps to the tune of Latin and International music." Really? Really?? In what world are those steps easy to follow? As we made our way into the gym I felt the panic wash over me. Everyone was already dancing, together, with at least some type of rhythm, but where was the instructor? Where were the step-by-step instructions for each dance move? The wave of panic was fleeting as I spotted the instructor and realized that there were others who didn't fully know what they were doing. This was a take a deep breath, jump in and hope you can swim approach to dance, no step-by-step instructions necessary. The instructor danced and I jumped in, hoping I could get at least a few moves down by the time each song was done. About 2 songs into the workout my legs were burning, my chest was heaving, and the things the instructor was shaking were not the same things shaking on me, but I realized something. I was smiling - probably a weird and disturbing looking smile as I concentrated on moving my body in the right direction, but none the less it was there. By the time we were done I had come to the conclusion that even though my moves were FAR from perfect I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I had gotten out of my own way and allowed myself to experience something new and it was FUN. Yay me! Yay Zumba!

This morning I have that sore feeling of accomplishment. That knowledge that I did something good for myself, body and soul. The Zumba class meets every Monday night and I intend to go as often as possible. Hopefully, my intentions pan out!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The snakes are last

So, our beautiful Anna is quite the dreamer. She's also a giver. At the moment, this has created quite the conundrum. Over the past few months she has had it in her head that she is called to start a pet shop so that she can raise money for our Sunday School sponsor child named Tebogo. She has impressively figured out many little details and talks about them multiple times a day, every day. This morning, while heading for a garage sale, she was talking to herself about the animals that she would purchase and bring home for her shop. "Don't worry, the snakes are last mom," she piped up. She is absolutely convinced that this is not a dream for the future, this is a dream for RIGHT NOW.

The problem is her mommy and daddy are not pet lovers. In fact, her daddy pretty much despises all animals, pets or not. To make matters worse, we are living in the in-law quarters (aka finished basement) of my parents home. Not a good season of life to even own 1 pet, let alone an entire pet store. I have tried to no avail to persuade her to own another dream, one more adaptable to our family. I even suggested owning a candy shop, to which she replied, "yes, I can have a small candy store in my Pet Store Gift Shop."

How do I protect her spirit to give, perservere and fling herself whole heartedly at her dreams while at the same time helping her to understand that this dream is most likely not for now? She reminds me all too much of myself. How many times I have run and tried to pursue my own dreams when God is gently saying, "Now is not the time my daughter." Sometimes it takes me a while to get it.

My precious Anna,
I love your vivacious and innocent spirit. The take on life that anything is possible and nothing or no one can hold you back from your dreams. Someday God will fling the door wide open on some of your dreams, the dreams that are truly in Him, and you will run hand in hand with Him in full abandonment. Whether that day is tomorrow or 30 years from now, wait and draw near to your Heavenly Papa. Waiting patiently is fierce and not for the faint of heart, and some days it may take all that is in you. But, know that in the end it will be worth it. Our Papa is not a God who withholds, but a good God who holds us close. He gives good gifts to His children and in perfect timing. Continue to use the creativity that God has given you to bless others. Continue to dream and allow God to put His dreams in your heart. He will use you in mighty ways to do mighty things. Never buy into the lie that you are too young or too inexperienced. In your weakness God is strong, and in His strength you can do all things! Someday, maybe someday, you will own your own pet shop. If this is the case it will be for the glory of God and the blessing of others. And even though we are not pet people, your daddy and I will be there to help you and encourage you, however we can, snakes and all.
Love you little girl!
~ Momma

50 Cents, Modge Podge and Spray Paint

During my latest trip to the Goodwill bins I discovered this thing:

Yes, this is some sort of letter, paper, bill, and whatever else you need to be held holder. It was in rough shape, but with a little love I had a feeling it could find a spot in my home (whenever we get one!). So, I grabbed it, paid my 50 cents for it and was on my way to AC Moore to pick up some Modge Podge and Scrapbooking paper for the background. I found the Modge Podge in the glue aisle (as always), then headed to the scrapbooking section where I proceeded to find NOTHING that fit what I was thinking (this happens often). I decided that maybe I could make something, grabbed some green cardstock and headed home.

After returning home I spent some time washing, degunking, and sanding down the "holder thing" before grabbing some white spray paint I had left over from a previous project. After a few coats of paint I was ready to Modge Podge. Luckily, while googling patterns I found one that I really liked, copied it to word, enlarged it and printed it out onto my green cardstock.

Using a thin coat of Modge Podge I glued the pieces of cardstock into their proper spots, painted the little thingy mabob on the front black and added a simple &H& to some left over green cardstock to pull the colors together.

It's not perfect, but it works for me. And for under $6 I got a nice little....whatever ya call it.